annals | guests | diaryland

03/16/2003 - 3:49 p.m. | review

I have a series of notepads open with different diary entries because I always decide to write during prime time. So, what's new!?

Went to the see the Other Guys with Michelle last night. They were sooo cute with their little dances and all! They had this awesome opening video with all these movie parodies (a lot of work went into), and they did a song/skit about the Morrow Plots (the oldest experiment cornfield, if you didn't know, you ignorant fool!) Unfortunately, there were a lot of sound problems. Like, one guy's mic was really loud, and he did the high-pitched "BUM BUM BUM" in "Ants Marching" and it dwarved everyone in awfulness. It was a lot of fun, though :) And, of course, John Mayer! Then, we went back to PAR (Grosse Pointe Blanke - I never remember which end with e's, so I just pop it on all of them - CUSACK!! - and yo-yoing) I also peed in a girl's bathroom, which makes me laugh for the most juvenile reasons. Someone was in the stall next to me (Michelle and I had adjacent stalls *giggle!!*), so I started falsettoing like a man (??). Brief stop over at Jimmy John's (and "Optimistic" - funny how I think of things in terms of songs) and then back to Europa. Hardcore crap anime here (about a wacky, feminine samurai who wouldn't kill - I can relate), so Will, Michelle, and I went on a rollerblading adventure (well, Will had a microscooter and I tired using my skate shoes, but they vibrated me to the core). The key point here is that I've never rollerbladed before. To learn: sharp turning and stops. We also zoomed down Green St. and everyone made fun of me (only me, I'm serious) Then, we came back, and I think Michelle and I were giddy or something because this seemed like the funniest collection of stuff. Bed at about 5, and I think Dank was here for a minute, but perhaps all the psychotropic drugs have caught up with me. Or the bubble gum cigarettes.

Seriously, those things are addicting. I've gotten Michelle hooked too. We work on our mannerisms to seem as realistic as possible. With our gum cigarettes. Shut up.

Today, got up at 11:30 or so, and went out to lunch with Frankie. Additionally, lemon twist strawberry smoothie. Furthermore, new toothbrush and toothpaste (tried some crazy herbal shit... I dunno if I like it. I taste planty). I also found a tiny baseball bat on the ground. I figured it was plastic, but it was wood, so I stuck it in my bag. The end.

It's completely wonderful outside, and work ethic is hiding in the shadows. Not that I have much to do, but my standards have dropped really. 3 page paper and a math assignment are like kick to groin, plans-wise. I am in a pretty happy mood, though. I love this place :D

I won't be soothed,