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03/16/2003 - 3:45 p.m. | random thoughts (tiny)

If there's one thing that can be of said of me, at least I'm not unrealistically optimistic.

Good, I got my voice back. Let's lose that fucker again! Fuck that pseudo-sappy Neutral Milk Hotel shit that everyone quotes (you're all missing the point, BTW) - "King of Carrot Flowers Pts 2 & 3!!"

I understand the mind of drunks pretty well then, I guess. And I drive them places.

"and all the lazy days, the dogs dissolve and drain away, the world it goes and all awaits, the day we are AWAITANG" [that is proper Jeff Mangum phoenetics]

Spirited Away was the best, trippiest cartoon ever! Go see it! Actually, come over - because I'll prolly buy that shit and watch it over and over! Mouse and bug/bird were sooo cute!!

"you'll never a better kind / if you don't leave the world behind"

Driving around with 6 people in a Nissan Maxima (including Sage!!), screaming 90s hits out the windows is a lot of fun. I miss my car. Then again, I need people to learn some of my stuff too. Must I be so ACCOMMODATING?!

As far as good news goes, my parents are going to South Carolina for a week in June, and I've been invited. They're like, "Well, you don't have to go if you don't want..." But, seriously, think of the options: getting up to work at a shit factory and left to forage for myself (read as "SO MUCH PASTA OH MAN MY PORES ARE STARCHY") or hanging out in Charleston (one of my all time favorite places to visit) and being basically encouraged to spend as much money as possible. So, yay June!

OK, so a part of me is missing. See, I am neurotic (this is not a source of pride; I am simply stating a fact), but because I don't smoke, I am incomplete. So, I'm gonna give getting non-neurotic a shot, and if that fails, smoking. Then, either way, there will be a completeness to it. Me.

Whenever I get change from something (coins only), I think of it as some sort of return on my investment. That doesn't make any sense, does it?

I won't be soothed,