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03/16/2003 - 5:31 p.m. | e-nuff

I've had this song on pause at 2 minutes and 13 seconds for over a day and a half now. I really should listen to the end of it or pick a new song or something.

More importantly, I should get started on the three pages of ass for theatre due tomorrow. The assignment is completely open-ended, which can lead to trouble more than anything. "Dear Arcadia, You suck shit... Love, Nate." Unfortunately, my mind is not in my game right now. Will finally found the last episode of this season of "Clone High," and the cliffhanger at the end is a thousand times worse than the one at the end of the previous episode, especially since the next season of the show has been put on (gag) hiatus! Seriously, what do I do now?

I have Dorito breath. Fuck you. Man, I was reading this review some clever critic wrote about a teen movie or something, and he was like "in their apathetic world of Doritos and libidos blah blah blah" and I bet he was so proud of himself that he let his mom give him two handjobs instead of the usual one. That stinks of effort. I'm not sure why it bothers me so much because I prolly do the same thing, but it seems to pretentious and fake. Jeez.

So, I was thinking about it, and I'm not even sure if I like or dislike John Mayer. What in the world? Spitting in Lisa's bellybutton: 10 points. I used the phrase "the transgenerational apple" in a paper. What the hell?

Guess I'll go verb the adjective subject now. Now, that is genius. I miss you, "Clone High."

I won't be soothed,