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03/13/2003 - 8:30 p.m. | okay!

Today, I had 7 hours after history to study for Mr. Social Psych Test. Guess how many of those hours I wasted. A lot of them. The hula hoop routine grows in complexity, though. If only I had more space. Finding any open spot in this place is a wonder, though. My neck hurts sort of, though, because hula hooping around the head was not designed with adam's apples in mind. Anyway, I also slept and watched top 20 Pop Up Video. Oy. But yeah, I think I did fairly OK. Same old insanely worded psych questions, though. One was completely mind blowing. It had this multiple choice option that was about a paragraph long and went in insane circles. It was like, "The actor perceives the observer who is perceiving the actor as an observer and they both observe eachother in a state of observation whereby neither is an actor" WHAT!?! I read it over 10 times and then picked something else. I hope I did all right. "Jenny from the Block" in my head THE ENTIRE TIME did not help.

I won't be soothed,