annals | guests | diaryland

03/12/2003 - 5:33 p.m. | she simply wiggles her nose / and disappears all my clothes

Man, that coffee was just a bad idea all the way through. I got insanely sleepy, but then I had a pretty terrible night's sleep with nightmares and tossing and turning and stuff. And then, today, I woke up with a massive coffee hangover that's only now beginning to let up. I was so wired and irritable... It seems like every class was just a long lecture today, and I couldn't stand it! "JUST GIVE ME THE ANSWER!!" and my foot would twitch like crazy. So - no more (copious) amounts of coffee for me for a bit. Seriously, if a little espresso did that to me, I seriously wonder how bad smoking or something would mess me up. Stupid addictive personality.

Today, after I got ready, I felt like I wasn't just stuck in a bad hair day; it was like a bad Nate day. Everything about me felt wrong. My hair's still pretty poofy and idiotic, but what else is new, seriously? Math was awful 'cause of lecture, but moreso because someone kept burping or farting and it smelled like ONIONS! Really, really stinky awful onions! I was about ready to throw up. Speaking of which, midterm reports came out, and I have a B- in math. I suck dick for coke. It sucks how we only have, like, 3 tests. College hard. OK, not really. I just stink. Stinky. Entomology was the worst of all the lectures - because we had them in both lecture and lab, and I was going nuts. Then, we went through our improvs in theatre... Everyone's was pretty bad, so I didn't feel so bad. We have a paper about "Arcadia" coming up, and Number 1 hasn't even told us what specifically to write about, so I smell gold. Kyle used a cane in his skit, but he didn't wanna carry it around the rest of the day, so I got the privilege. It is fun to swing that thing around, but I got some looks, prolly for nearly hitting people. History was pretty icky, but I did get an A on the big paper worth 20% of our grade :D Poor Justin... they always take his score and then add 10 points to it for mine :( ahahah And then angry British guy yelled at us in entomology. CLONES! P ELEMENT WOT WOT... I was really high-strung by that point, but Lisa and I went for our first trip out as friends, and I think things are maybe a little better. I got sour bacon bits, though (see me for explanation). Now, though, I seriously need to do this damn laundry and get started on some work because tomorrow is devoted to psych test.

I won't be soothed,