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03/06/2003 - 5:12 p.m. | robot adventure approaching?

Oh - a remembered surreal event from the previous evening. We were walking back from Busey-Evans, and Will started chasing a rabbit. He lost track of it, I think, but then, all of a sudden, down the block came this guy in a rabbit suit. My first thought was something along the lines of, "Oh, fuck! You pissed off the rabbit gods, Will!" but I half-jokingly screamed at the rabbit, "Hold on! I've got a robot suit! Let me run and get it!" The rabbit guy took off his head and said that he had use of a guy like me (I paraphrase - his voice sounded like he smoked a lot). He was running for president (of what? the United States, I suppose... he's got a pretty good platform, I think), and on Sunday at 2 pm at Paradiso, he and this other guy in a robot suit were gonna go door-to-door to get votes. If I had a robot suit, he said, I'd have a total in. Then, he put his head on and walked away. So, the question is, why shouldn't I do this?

I won't be soothed,