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03/06/2003 - 10:09 a.m. | several minutes to go

So, at around... 5:30 maybe... I had the amusing notion that I might as well just stay up until History (9 am class). Fucking hi-larious. And I did it. I have been awake for over 25 hours now, and I'm really not trying to be "extra goofy" because I am so sleepy and shit. I am having an awful time focusing, be it the sleepiness or the cold or what. This is all such a dream. The past 20 hours or so have crammed themselves into this tiny little lump, like a diamond, and now it's hard to believe that it is daylight or that I just had history! I wasn't late this time, though, and I only dozed off twice (thanks to Justin for the jabs awake) Anyway, DDR and such all nite long. I did my math, though, or a pretty good attempt, so there is not that to worry about, leaving me ample time to catch a few winks. Of course, I don't want to OD because then the cycle will simply perpetuate. But really, it was a fun night. I got pretty drowsy and lethargic, but it was still good times. Everyone is so much better at DDR than me (well, pretty much better than me at everything in general, but HAHA I am stil awake!) Sorry sorry... trying to focus here, but there are no super important things I need to pass onto you. In entomology lab, we had a bizarre simulation wherein we had to smash Skittles blindfolded to simulate the predator-prey thing. Blindfolded predators seem like a silly idea to me, though. That's pretty much the most significant thing I recall of class. That and Mr. Bean (and some guy saying "lube" instead of "oil"). Sorry sorry... Focus, you bitch! I had fun, and we borrowed a cart and drove it down a ramp and found a shitty broken office chair in the trash (not the royal we, but Kyle, Spritz, Michelle, Grace, and myself), and Clay made it to the top ten of American Idol, although Simon picked some bonehead girl who sang "Can't Fight the Moonlight" pretty terribly. Also - I FINALLY CUT MY NAILS. They are neat and trim. So sorry this is disorganized. Perhaps I'll rewrite later. Perhaps not.

I won't be soothed,