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03/05/2003 - 4:39 p.m. | that's the way we get by

So, I guess I reached a spastic highpoint last night... It's good to be back to normal (I won't make the "relatively speaking" quip, but keep in mind that I thought of it!) Again, I am shocked that it is Wednesday. More so that it is practically midterm season. Where has the time gone? And what have I accomplised? Well, I did make the dean's list last semester. I had no idear, but Lisa showed me. So that's good... but everything else? Yeah, haven't done too much, which is my problem (I'm told). I am in the mood to read a good book, but I've got nothing new lying about. I've always had the ability to lose myself in books and music and TV and movies and whatnot. Anything that seemed like a problem doesn't really anymore... It's weird. I dunno - perhaps it's a matter of mind over, uh, matter. What I call problems are essentially bullshit, so I might as well stop thinking of them that way. If these were graver times, I wouldn't have the luxury of being paranoid or self-conscious or any of my other ridiculous little traits. I'm just fortunate enough to have been born in a time when I can be a whiny bitch. Yeah, definitely sleepy or lethargic.

Note: Get stuff by Spoon. I'm serious.

We get high in back seats of cars
We break into mobile homes
We go to sleep to shake appeal
Never wake up on our own

I won't be soothed,