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03/03/2003 - 1:06 p.m. | bits of business

Wow - I am Captain Mismatch today. Blue shirt (same as yesterday *blush*), green-brown cigarette-smellin' cords, grey socks (with pink, black, and yellow houndstooth or some shit), green shoes... Cool dude.

hohoho - Number 1 (our theatre instructor, thusly named because of his resemblance to Commander Riker on TNG) kept talking about how the characters in certain plays all have "bits of business" that they must attend to. This left him open to the largest barrage of jokes ever, thanks to Kylewild and myself. "I'll be attending to my bits of business after class" and so on. It's fun being asinine sometimes.

Today, I saw a girl - prolly 8 or 9, I guess - skipping across the quad, and it was sort of bittersweet because pretty soon she'll start worrying about her appearance and then she won't ever skip in public again. And that sucks. I wanted to skip Friday afternoon up Wright, but I held back. That's just not right. Drastic measures must be taken. I have to make some calls.

I won't be soothed,