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01/30/2003 - 2:31 p.m. | the end

Forces swirling about, nothing good coming...

I think this is the end here. This diary has caused nothing but pain, and it's seriously not worth it. I'll miss this thing, I think, but it did far more harm than good. I'm sorry to everyone I offended.

As far as cliffhanger endings go, Lis and I broke up.

Not for the reasons you'd think, though. Or maybe they are. Find me and ask.

We're trying to stay friends, but is that the wise choice? A lot of people seem to think I'm not a good person. Are they right? Find me and ask.

Will Nate grow as a human being? Find me and ask.

If you need to borrow a Whitetown CD, find me and ask.


I won't be soothed,