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01/28/2003 - 2:43 p.m. | it's killing me / i'm dying

Last night I watched the rest of Ned Devine (starring Bilbo Baggins) with Kyle, followed by trying to get stupey brain to do math. It only took several hours, and these were hours interrupted by a revival of Lammy and Magic for me. Kyle's parents brought him Wendy's, which made more jealous than anything ever has.

Today was more blowhard Nazi Dr. Hipp class. I was 10 minutes late, and she was still going through announcements. I feel no guilt. The rest of today was spent on Yoshi's Story (so close to being champion) and the Stick-It webpage, which I guess is now finished enough to post. I dunno - I'm vaguely proud of my efforts. I think it would be fun to be a web designer, but there are already far more than are in demand, and I'm really not all that good. Kyle's a lot better than I am; he's just lazy as all hell.

Anyway, homework and week old pasta for me now. Which will kill me first?

I won't be soothed,