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01/23/2003 - 12:21 a.m. | no life has singed her now

Honestly folks, you're gonna have to start upping your donations, kids (from zero to something). I haven't even bought the first weird ass big boob anime statue, and they're just cranking out more and more. This just won't do.

Meanwhile, since Diaryland just went down the pooper, how about an update? Well, for one, I've suddenly developed super senses. Well, I could smell chocolate mint coffee on my dresser all the way over here!!! I KNOW!

I'm running more and more lately, even though my joints really don't wish to cooperate (not to mention my rattling old CD player). It's not so bad during, but before and after are... I get weird sometimes. You know the book Night by Elie Wiesel? Yeah, so the only part I remember with a lot of detail is the part where the Jews are all running somewhere through the snow, and if they slow down, they get shot. That seems the worst way to die to me. Random death is bad, but not really your fault, you know? And if you die for something you did, at least it's sort of expected. But knowing you have to keep resisting and struggling, knowing that you can't stop even though you desperately want to... When your body just can't do it anymore and that one second of relief before the end. Awful awful awful... Yeah, I don't think about death!

Anyway, my day - let's see... Psych 201 looks like it'll be easy and interesting (which is what I look for in a class). The teacher is this really nice girl with just a bit of an accent (she's from Pakistan); her name is Sharmin (like the toilet paper :D) and I sat behind this cute British exchange student. Jesus, the accent! Jeez... OK, everyone I've talked to about Math 130 with Mathematica has said the same thing: they went one day, it seemed awful, they dropped. Still, I decided to give it a shot. I'll be talking to people at Allen Hall tomorrow so I can take 130 there. Entomology is another easy and fun class; we get to raise bugs and it seems more like learning fun little facts than anything else. For instance, you know people always say that cockroaches will be the only thing to survive after the nuclear holocaust (yes, I am psychic)? It's not because they're immune to radiation or anything... They just happen to have senses about a billion times better than ours, so they can get to safe places faster than us... Weird! Speaking of cockroaches, I had a big honkin' one crawl on my hand today! It was huge and grumpy! *HISS* Bugs usually don't freak me out, but giant ones get the old heart pumping. Theat 199 with Kyle should be lots of fun. We just read plays and talk about what's funny in them and get to act them out and stuff :) I dunno - I have a lot of fun classes. Also, I rearranged my schedule so that I have class from 9 until 3:30 on Wednesdays. It'll be a hell day, but I'll have History with Justin and only one class on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

After school, I rented the final Sopranos DVD, which I'm finally almost done with! Then I cooked a very rushed dinner (pasta with artichokes!) to get it to sick Lisa in time for more American Idol and other swell TV. Everyone's sorta drunk right now, and Kyle is sad, and I think I'm gonna go see how things are going.

"You're as stunning as a tidal wave of wisteria / Just a smile from you has sent gents into hysteria *crash crash crash*"

I won't be soothed,