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01/23/2003 - 11:51 p.m. | *signal in the sky-oh*

Tuesdays and Thursdays rock again this semester! Hist 112 is little more than a memory now, although not an altogether good one. Turns out Miss Rutgers can't lecture very well either. She jumps from topic to topic, seemingly at random, and tends to talk faster than most people can write. She's making it awfully hard for me to be non-bitter. After class (and because it's so freaking cold out right now!), I went to Justin's and watched "The Price is Right" with him. What a worthless piece of television. And who the fuck thinks glass cleaner costs $13?! Rafael, apparently.

As for the rest of the day, I didn't do too much. Went to Lisa's, ate lunch with her, and then watched crapped TV, and attempted to do some reading. Oh, yeah - and I got into Math 130 at Allen! :D My commute will be hell (a bike is looking more and more necessary), but at least it's not the terrifying notion of Mathematica. I didn't get too much done, but there isn't that much to do yet. I think I might try to read Psych before class tomorrow, but who knows how ambitious I'll be?

Speaking of ambition, my little cleaning plan made its first $5 last night, thanks to a drunken Kyle and Spritz! Let the games begin ;) Also, I finished the last Sopranos DVD, so that time waster is gone for a bit.

Anyway, that's about it for today. There's some lame stuff about Magic: The Gathering (Soldier deck! Mmmeh!) and watching people play "The Two Towers" game and a site full of creepy, half-naked anime dolls for me to sort through (utopianime.com - Hey, I don't make fun of your weird little fetishes!) and taking Kyle's old penis growth pills as part of a month long (haha) experiment... Wait - scratch that last one. Yes. And "Boy Meets World." Obviously.

I won't be soothed,