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01/22/2003 - 12:15 a.m. | ass breath

Classes began today, but because of crazy Tuesdays, alls I had was History -both lecture and discussion, both taught by the same professor. I wouldn't like this very much to start with because who wants to hear the same perspective from the same person, but I don't think I really like this particular professor much. She taught at Rutgers (whoop dee frickin' doo) and this is her first year here, and she seems really, I dunno, snobby or pretentious or something. Her expertise is, like, French history or something, so she slips in little French phrases now and then to sound smart. And she's all gung ho about class participation, but when people do participate, it's like she doesn't even care. She rushes through their own ideas just so she can get to hers (the correct ones, I guess). And she sorta bosses people around... Like, she kept making this poor guy do stuff for her on the big overhead projector, and she got all pissy when he didn't know how to use a Mac so well. "Well, I guess I'll have to do it myself then!" I dunno - she's cute, though... in a way, she reminds of Dr. Hipp, post psychotic ego trip, and in an alternate universe where she didn't have to deal with Will or Dank or me, and had merely a lifetime of Emilie Dahods and Danny Yagans to kiss her ass and make her mad with power.

Not bitter. It's prolly just the sack of BBQ fries I ate. Why!?

In between the lecture and the discussion, I went to Lisa's for lunch (silly UIUC food service... they tried to make real chicken patties, but they were still fake... You're not fooling anyone, guys! It's much better when we know what we're getting into! No head games!) and chocky chai. And then after discussion (in which I think I was the only who didn't participate -- and explosive diarrhea!!), Lisa and I went off looking for scholarships and studying abroad junk and all.

2 things - 1) I would love to go to Japan, but I would have to take an entire year off, and I dunno if can afford that (monetarily, I mean) 2) I looked into the old James Scholar thing today. Now, if I wanted to become one, I would have to take 2 honors courses this semester (LAS kids are required to take 2 a year, and I didn't do any first semester) and right now, I really can't judge yet if I can handle that. Even then, if I still did well in these courses and got my 3.5+ or whatever, my privileges (early registration and all) wouldn't kick in until it was time to register for spring classes next year. Seems so worthless... I dunno.

Tonight was fine, normal, good. Caught up on one of the two remaining Sopranos DVDs I missed 'cause I came back early, and then a lot of "American Idol." It's sort of sad to think those poor kids can't even tell they're singing bad. Like, I can tell if I hit a weird note or something, even if I can't fix it. They can't.

Long day of class tomorrow... I wonder how bad my workload will be this semester. Like, history seems like it's gonna be a lot of reading (and this is me talking - all I had was reading last semester) and everyone says Math 130 with Mathematica is gonna suck, and who knows about the other stuff? I always do this at the start of a term. I mean, I know I'll be fine based on past experience, but I still have a little Lisa in me.

Anyway, I have to go monitor the cleaning by my loyal roommates (of course they would wait 'til the last half hour to do it... Honestly, why do I even give them time?) and then sleep, so good night!

Honestly, one day I hope to transcend this pathetic need of mine for sleep, and just lurk around in the shadows forever. That's cool, right?

I won't be soothed,