annals | guests | diaryland

01/17/2003 - 6:02 p.m. | i hope i'm doing this right

OK, at some point, I got sleep. But hopefully not so much that I won't be sleepy tonight 'cause that would continue the cycle, and that'd be awful. Around 5 hours, I think. I tried to convince Kyle to sleep and then slowly downed on the couch. I somehow moved to my bed, and I swear we never got as many phone calls as we did today. And, as always, the actual phone part was lost in the mists, so I had to use crap speakerphone. But yeah, I feel sane at least now. I can last some hours up. With little enough sleep, everything seems sort of fake, glossed over or something. I'd rather feel tired than feel that. Anyway, what to do tonight? I don't think Kyle will share my logic, so I have some time. I'd make some Bagel Bites, except we don't have any. And I don't particularly enjoy them.

I won't be soothed,