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01/13/2003 - 12:44 p.m. | am i paranoid? YES YOU'RE PARANOID

"It gets hard to explain
The gardenhead knows my name..."

Man, this bugs the hell out of me:

Not so much the band (I've yet to pass judgment, really. I try not to be so quick about it... They're sorta dreamy, you know?), but the fucking uninspired logo used by Pitchfork for one of their news updates! They were like, "Well, white bold Arial doesn't seem to be striking enough! Let's put it a bit askew!!" Strange things bother me.

I cleaned up the bathroom like a man. It was pretty damn disgusting, but it's about as good as it can get now (unless those spots I couldn't get off really aren't permanent; then I will require a belt sander). Some advice for those who have to clean bathrooms: Try not to think about all the vomit, urine, and semen remnants you are potentially touching! Have a nice day! In a totally unrelated turn of events, I'm going to take a shower now!

"Leave me alone, for you know this isn't the first time
In fact this is twice in a row
That the angels have slipped through our landslide
And filled up our garden with snow
And I don't wish to taste of your insides
Or to call out your name through my phone
For the glory boys at your bedside will love you
As long as you're something to own"

Fucking creepy Mangum... Fucking creepy.

Additionally, it turns out that there was a second page to my UIUC e-mails, which I haven't checked for about a month now. This would piss me off quite a bit just for all the e-mails from friends I missed, but apparently, I'm also like deathly behind at IMPE. I was supposed to tell them my Spring schedule like forever and a day ago. OK, so on the one hand, this is my fault. I missed these warning e-mails, and I very rarely check the employee website. But, I still think they should send e-mail out in the first place, telling us about this stuff. I don't like only getting info when it's too late >:O

I won't be soothed,