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01/13/2003 - 10:47 a.m. | now, where's my hoverboard?

OK - haven't updated for the longest time, not that too much has really happened since my last update.

Friday was last day or work (though I wasn't so sure at the time). Strangely enough, at work that day, I listened to all British artists, completely by accident. FREAKY! I also went to lunch at the new Wendy's in Yorkville, but I didn't know where it was exactly (all I knew was that it was by a Menard's - somehow I ended up by a massive Menard's distributive center), so that when I did find it, I had to cram it all in me on the drive back to work. LIVE AND LEARN. After work, came home and the debate over my return to UIUC continued. Then out for Chinese! Unfortunately, I'm totally American and like how the MSG'd, sodiumed food tastes better. Forgive me. Then another Sopranos disc (I have to catch up on the last 2 on my own... when we get a DVD player!) and some moping online.

Saturday was terribly boring. Woke up and watched what looked like the finale of some Power Rangers series (BEAST WARS or some such nonsense). Lis happened to see the same thing, leading us on a fervored (OK, not really) search of the cast member's lives. THEY ARE BORING... except Yellow Ranger (the Asian - hohoho) died in a car accident :( I spent most of the day bumming around and trying to find something on TV. When that faield (as obviously it should), I started to reread The Fellowship of the Ring. Took down 200 pages of that crazy motherfucker... Only 1,700 bazillion to go. Then I went out with my parents for dinner with their friend Tina, who has the tendency to make my parents a bit rowdy (not, like, inebrieated, but louder and all), so it's good to see them like that. Then it was home for an early bedtime because of...

Sunday's TWIN PEAKS MARATHON! The entire first season in a row! Rock! Dale Cooper is one of my favorite characters of all time, and the whole show maintains a good balance between cute and freaky. Unfortunately, the old 90s radiation waves gave us all headaches. After we finished (like 5) or so, I started packing up my stuff inc ase Kyle and Spritz came to my house early. Bloody likely - try 10 pm... Since we had some time to kill, we rented Minority Report and got Subway. The only place my mom said she didn't want food from was Subway, of course, but Sheridan wasn't offering anything else that night. Even Chester Fried Chicken was closed (Have you heard of that place? I haven't been there yet, but it's supposed to be like a generic KFC chain. Kyle pointed out that its initials are "CFC" so maybe there is some crazy chloroflourocarbon ring in Sheridan and the chicken place is all a front). Anyway, Kyle and Spritz when they said they would, and we drove back to school! Then we stayed up 'til 4, but I'm not used to that, so I need some time. Steve and Will are back for their frat's hell week, too, so they're around.

My mom's one stipulation on me coming back here was that I do something productive. I already cleaned the living room (after being tricked, Tom Sawyer style, by Kyle and Spritz - "We're all gonna clean!! Why aren't you helping, Nate? haha - now that he is, let's stop!"), but maybe I'll go tackle the bathroom since I have a while before anyone will be up.

Also, I refilled my prescription at Wal-mart ONLINE! The future is here!

I won't be soothed,