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01/03/2003 - 8:47 p.m. | feelin' (slightly) better

-Oh - tonight, Puss... I got something hard edge.
-Pokemon cards. Me and Tommy Mac are taking down a truckload.

Crazy Sopranos... Good thing they weren't taking Magic cards!

I think I hammered out some sort of vague decision about tomorrow. It beat the shit out of me, but it's a start. I got it out of my mind for a while... a few Sopranos, some laundry, 13 Conversations About One Thing... I dunno - it was a fun movie to watch. Made you think hard about the timeline. That's good sometimes. I can pretty much watch any movie and enjoy it (lose myself in it, not necessarily think it is a good film), so if I ever made films I'd make all sorts of 'em - good, thought-provoking ones, mindless, funny, shitty ones... I'd be the Chris Walken of filmmaking (he won't refuse a role, you know... Any piece of shit and he'll do it! He rocks, really unpretentious.) Anyway, that's about it. I might play a bit more of "The Sims," but I did that an awful lot today... (Mr. Sim Journalist is up to TV Reporter! Oh, the prestige!)

I won't be soothed,