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01/02/2003 - 10:27 p.m. | x10 goes anywhere!

By an amazing stroke of luck, no work today!! Or tomorrow! Yay! I woke up at 7 this morning totally out of it (bad night's sleep). At 7:01, I peed. At 7:02, the phone rang, and someone told me no work. I don't even remember why exactly; I just remember confirming multiple times that I wasn't dreaming.

Pretty much everyone's dream (well, mine) is to wake up at some God awful hour and then be able to fall back asleep with impunity. Since this rare opportunity was presented to me, I decided to stay up and catch up on "Sopranos" episodes I missed. That done (around 10ish), I took a nice, long shower and then met my mom for lunch. After that, I went to Peru (the city, you twits) to blow my Christmas gift certificates. I bought a copy of "The Sims," partially out of guilt for playing a copy for so long, but mostly because said copy no longer worked. The Buick was running a little rough today, but I am quite alive, so yay.

Came home, didn't do too much... Read one of the 6 Rolling Stones I'm behind on - why do I even bother? Can't visit Lis tomorrow, which is a bummer. Hooray, Chicago, though! Watched a bit of TV... Spaced out... Picked out my room... Played "The Sims" for a couple hours... I decided to make my guy a journalist. He sat around for a longass time, doing nothing, because he couldn't find a job, and then he got some poor-paying crap job with terrible hours. That sounds about right :)

If I wrote movies, I'd base it all upon one scene, which in turn would be based upon a song. Today's song is "No Life Singed Her" by Pavement, and the scene is fucking crazy. If only I got paid.

I won't be soothed,