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12/28/2002 - 1:27 a.m. | nate smash!


Donk is anti-matter. Let the two meet, UH-OHS! JEWENSTEIN will be his last name. I hate when I lose entries.

So, Bill and I made here OK, possibly courtesy of his Oldsmopeople's supercomputer. Also, the verdict is on British rap. GOOD. Go get The Streets. So SEZ Bill and Nate. Oi, that's right! Don't mug yourself! Ha.

After a slow start - I read the jokes section of Boys' Life (skipping those arrogant assholes who used their own names in the jokey conversations, and yes - Ducky still does subscribe), we eventually went out for pizza (we figured out the bill as precisely as possible so we could get $5 savings without spending over $20) and to see The Two Towers (after convincing Ducky that I-Spy at the cheap theatre was the greater of two evils). It was just as long as the first, but there was more action, so I guess it went by faster. Still, I checked my watch and was like, "Holy shit! Still an hour left!" Yeah, I dunno. For a "tale of HOBBITS and WIZARDS *snort*" (that's my nerd voice), neither got very much screen time, leaving space for more comedy from the dwarf. "I AM SHORT! I CAN'T RIDE HORSES WELL! YOU HAVE TO THROW ME! AHAHAHAHAHAHAH" Luckily, the time was passed faster by the big pile of cheap sugar we smuggled in from the dollar store, Ducky especially. He had candy buttons (Will will be envious), 2 bottles of Vess (pi�a colada and peach - both wretched), a jomacha milkshake, and fucking BIT-O-HONEYs. He says it was the most he ever ate in the theatre ever.


Then Ducky went looking for porn. And failed. Somehow.

I seem to have a habit of destruction around the Newtons. See, I totally got screwed out of shotgun. I called it, but somehow Bill still got it, so I sat in the backseat and "rebelled" (some might say "had a tantrum") and started wailing on shit with an ice scraper, which broke unfortunately. I bought a new one, but they know now to fear me. Then I track watery mud on the carpet, which I mostly cleaned up, but I still feel shitty about. DESTRUCTO.

Luckily, I did hear the same Melissa Ethridge song twice in the space of 15 minutes on the ride home ("I'm the Only One"). Ducky says he hadn't heard it for 2 years. Just needed the right audience (LESBIANS). But seriously, I seem to attract (or search for) bad music. So much Gwen Stefani. Fuck your abs, creepy.

Happy Nate! :D

I won't be soothed,