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12/28/2002 - 1:13 p.m. | vaugeries revealed

Jeez - late start today. I woke up at 12 and showered shortly thereafter. Ducky woke up at 12:30 and showered at 1 (not before eating Lucky Charms while wearing a sombrero!). Bill woke up at 1:10 and has yet to shower. Yes, I see much being accomplished today.

hehe - Ducky's parents are all nice, but I'm, you know, crazy shy around new people, so I'm hiding in here. Tomorrow, Ducky and his family are going to a Bears game, leaving Bill and me here alone... Interesting.

As far as vaugeries go, Kyle, Spritz, and I are sort of contemplating not living with Dank next year, and we feel all shitty about it, but it might be for the best... Yeah.

So, I've been thinking about my career as a hip-hop artist. Seriously. Bill is contemplating getting turntables (I might help with the original investment), and then I'd supply the rhymes. haha! And we'd try to perform in basements because - holy shit - he's coming to UIUC next fall! Anyway, I was thinking about how I could possibly learn to rap at all. So, I think free styling may be out. I'd do lame, Reggie Champagne-esque rhymes: "I am the man / I know I can / I have the plan / My name is not Stan" And that just sucks ass. I think it would be a lot more fun to shit around and develop "interesting rhymes," like stretching words that don't quite rhyme so they do. Seriously, though, I need to expose myself to the art if I'm gonna get any good at it. Also, we need good names. Too bad DJ Tanner is taken :( Send suggestions!

I won't be soothed,