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12/25/2002 - 10:36 p.m. | I NO CHEAT I SUPACOOL

Yay Christmas! Ummmmm... Woke up at 10 (oops), opened presents, watched The Powerpuff Girls Movie (holy shit, is character commentary the best idea ever!), got done cleaned up, went to family places, family, family, family. Once upon a time I was a reclusive nut at family things, but now I'm a little better. I make some conversation. And I had 4 pineapple juices! And my throat still hurts!

Creative interpretation of Radiohead's "Knives Out:" SMASH MOUSE I AM THOM I HATE MOUSE


As far as presents go, I didn't ask for anything crazy this year, so it was mostly CDs and DVDs and gift certificates and stuff. My parents came through with the best present ever, though (besides the cool ass egg beater and random tiny clothespins)! A VIDEO CAMERA!!!!! Holy shit, the fun I will have! It has night vision! Man, I'm gonna rock the shitty little movies. And stuff.

I won't be soothed,