annals | guests | diaryland

12/24/2002 - 10:35 p.m. | <|= (that's a tree)

The internet is running in hiccups here, so let's hope this gets posted, right? RIGHT.

Traditional Christmas Annoyances:

  • At around 3:30 pm on Christmas Eve, I will turn on PBS on watch "The Nutcracker," too late to see the beginning. We always leave by 4:15, too early to see the end. So this is what I see: there's a big party, dancing, gay magician gives girl a nutcracker, dancing, girl goes to sleep, gay magician makes the girl shrink, girl is attacked by mouse army, dancing, soldiers and the nutcracker (I originally typed "butcracker" there :D) fight the mice, out comes king mouse, sword fight, dancing, nutcracker suddenly becomes real boy, dancing. EVERY TIME. Actually, this year was even a different production (the set was better but the gay magician worse - no mask and older) but I still saw exactly the same part. HOW WILL IT END?!
  • It always snows on Christmas Eve. Generally, this isn't a terrible thing (though it slowed us down much tonite), but the one thing I hate is how people start cawing, "LOOKS LIKE IT'S GONNA BE A WHITE CHRISTMAS AFTER ALL!!" Wow.
I'm getting a sore throat, so I assume the plague can't be far off.

Seriously, though, sore throat is my least favorite illness symptom. Stuffy nose is fine, I can blow it and sniff and annoy people like myself who are annoyed by sniffling noses. Headache is OK, I can sleep or take aspirin. Dizzy grogginess is just trippy (especially when you go to class and you're just like "laaaaaaa"). But throat always pisses me off! >:O

Other than that, swell evening :) Warm fire, fucking awesome caramel apple cheesecake, the ugliest, nicest puppy in the world (with big crazy ears that stand up), The Graduate and paraphrasing lines from It's a Wonderful Life on mute. So I won't be a complete Gloomy Gus.

Merry Christmas !

I won't be soothed,