annals | guests | diaryland

12/20/2002 - 3:16 a.m. | failures

I was gonna show you some pictures of me making the gingerbread...

...but the camera's software fucked 'em up.

Then I was gonna show you the gingerbread house when it looked like it was gonna hold together...

...but the camera crashed, and I lost 'em all.

The gingerbread house inevitably fell down, and guess what?

I have pictures. Funny how life works, huh?

And my computer crashed only, what, like 15 times! Lisa was right; it would've been better to save up for a camera that didn't crash and had a flash. I rhymed.

With enough energy, I may rebuild the house into a bungalow or a brothel or some other b-word. Do I have it?

Does anyone else think Mel Brooks movies suck shit?

I won't be soothed,