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12/15/2002 - 2:33 p.m. | finales (that's spanish, kids)

After an unproductive Friday night - Korean with everybody, mediocre Dave Foley movie with Lis, AJ Gurga hates me - and an even more unproductive Saturday - sleep 'til 12, shop with Spritz and Will (soxs!), hang out with Lis, Magic 'til 4 (yes, lame, but I think Kroseph the Fister would disagree with you), I'm finally getting down to... production. Well, sort of. I wrote out my best attempt at a study guide for JLit. Strangely enough, it's the final I'm worrying the most about. Sure, there's a lot of material to cover in Psych and Astronomy, but at least I know what it all is. It's just a matter of storing it. JLit, on the other hand, is completely up in the air. I have very little idea what we're going over, so I just have to hope for the best (and an A-)

I will rework my Astro notes after a shower. I feel like a big zit.

I won't be soothed,