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12/10/2002 - 5:26 p.m. | NOTHING

20 minutes of class today. Reviewing for sociology is entirely useless, and yet we have more opportunities than in any of my other classes. On the last lecture, the professor showed all these pictures of her for some reason. It was sorta cute.

Ambling all over with Lis today, appartments and lunch and seeing Kyle and Spritz's robot and bubble tea (with a Behind the Music for the Red Hot Chili Peppers). I got a lint brush! It rocks! One side takes off lint, and the other sticks it back on! I smell lint terrorism!

I am trying very hard to avoid forming a bias against Allen, but ... hmmm... Did you ever see that episode of "South Park" where Cartman kept saying "hella" and everyone was really annoyed? Yeah, I'm kind of like that. Allen calls everyone "son" sooooo often! That's all I ever hear coming out of him! And I'm sure he's a cool guy, but I'm sorta stuck on this one terrible attribute (and others are starting to mimic - crud) and can't get around it. I know some people feel the same way as I do. I mean, having a little language quirk can be cool in moderation, but eventually it just becomes a terrible catchphrase. Who knows? Maybe it's supposed to be a deterrent or something. I fail.

Henry Andoh used to call people "son," but he did it sparingly. Also, he had 2 penises (a black one and a white one - the black one was as long as a baseball bat), so I think he is exempt.

I won't be soothed,