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12/05/2002 - 12:23 p.m. | ketchup

Not too much new, I guess. Astronomy (snore), Sociology (very late), sleep in the Union, work (and Cherry Mello Yello!) until damn Tianyue Zhou decided to show up, Chinese with Lis, the best 2 hours of television ever (hour of "South Park," hour of "Boy Meets World"), and I won... something. Certainly not my first Magic match ever... Nope.

Today, I guess I should work on the old 7 - 9 (so 7) page paper for Sociology, but I'm kinda killing time 'til I meet Lis for lunch... I had a hi-larious entry to put up, but liquid2k is being crap again... Really should transfer my files elseware. I'll just keep mashing buttons until it works!

I won't be soothed,