annals | guests | diaryland

11/28/2002 - 10:50 p.m. | i don't know where this is going!

re: this

Don't let it get you down, Jared! Diaries are your own personal thing (so to speak, as I just finished reading yours, so you know - not too personal). Just write whatever you want. People obviously still like to read it!

And sometimes people try to sound a little deeper than they are. This isn't pointed at anyone. It's a truth.

You should start me a diary ring ('cause I don't have the power, you know - I am not implying anything about anybody else!!!) called "dumbshit" for all of us types who just write to write (blow off steam, remember things, whatever) instead of writing to impress...

Jesus - so easy to offend people! I prolly already did (possibly through the abuse of the old lord's name in vain... oops!)

I won't be soothed,