annals | guests | diaryland

11/19/2002 - 10:54 p.m. | they wonder just how wild i would be

As the old saying goes, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't ever get Lis off her computer ever when she's focused on something! Even if it's for like 5 minutes to just look up 2 little things so you can finish up your astronomy homework and credit card application (hehe)." I'm not bitter. I just sort of sat there, occasionally asking if I could use it or banging my head against something... No respect, these kids. Find a stopping point. I always manage to.

The day went about as expected. I started playing "Grand Theft Auto," which I'm pretty wretched at. Ate lunch with Lis, walked her to apartments, did a small good deed... even though I couldn't decipher the crazy Asian bubble tea's menu, so I got the wrong thing:("TAPIOCA MILK GREEN PLEASE!"). I DRANO'd the hell out of the sink so it works fine now, and I got a pretty decent schedule in order. I got all my gen. eds out of the way, Kyle and I are gonna take a class at Krannet, and I'm looking into taking makeup! *giggle* What a useful skill! Just sort of floated through today really...

At some point, someone named our intercom "Jeeves," so now we occasionally ask it questions (get it?). "JEEVES! WHERE CAN I FIND SITES FOR AUCTIONS?!" We never seem to get answers.

Dank's uncle FedEx'd him like 6 or 8 pints of Ben & Jerry's (as well as several little bowls and spoons, but I'm sure that's just so Dank can sample them all at once... yes). Anyway, Ben & Jerry's ships it to you in a styrofoam cooler filled with dry ice, so Spritz started playing with it... Coolest stuff ever! Out it on a spoon, and it started hissing and vibrating. Added it to a cup of water, and it looked like some generic mad scientist's brew. Dumped a few chunks into the garbage disposal, turned it on, and clouds billowed up. Sealed it in a juice bottle with some water - instant rocket! Badass. Well, we thought so.

The battle lines are drawn. Now we just gotta charge.

I won't be soothed,