annals | guests | diaryland

11/08/2002 - 12:51 p.m. | quiz time!

Q. Where do Carlo Ordo�ez, Dale Riley, and Eric Bowden go to school?

A. Dartmouth, Brown, and the University of Kansas, respectively. Of course, you'd know that if you ever read notes 2002 (=2002) at all!

I dunno if it's intentional, but there is some serious name dropping going on there. They can't make a post without saying where they go to school. There was this guy that came to IMSA once to talk about getting into college, and every few minutes he'd mention that he'd been a guidance counselor at Brown. "At Brown, all the kids blah blah blah" Perhaps there's something in the water there

At least Carlo and Dale have something to sort of brag about, though. They go to Ivy League schools; that sort of thing impresses certain people. The same cannot be said of the GD University of Kansas... Weird as hell.

Oh - I stand corrected. The University of Kansas ranked in the top 20 "best buys" as far as schools go. I guess he does have something to be proud of!

I won't be soothed,