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11/05/2002 - 9:36 a.m. | passive aggressive

It's been, what, a week (maybe 2) since I first asked the quad to help clean the apartment some. Kyle admittedly started on his job and got a good deal done, but I'm the only one who finished. And I know they have lots of stuff to do - I do too sometimes - but they also play lots of Counterstrike. If they could just skip one of their little sessions and picked up, I'd be so, so happy. But I know it won't happen unless I, like, flip out or anything, and this is the closest thing I'll ever do to that. Sometimes I fantasize about waiting 'til their all gone, shutting down their computers, taking the power cords, and leaving a note saying, "You'll get the cords back when it's clean." But do I really wanna have to start treating them like little kids? Heh - well, I guess we've seen how well logical discussion and pleading have worked...

I won't be soothed,