annals | guests | diaryland

11/04/2002 - 10:55 p.m. | dirty pillows

Just an average day, really. Class, then I slept on and off while trying to read all that I had to read (I read it all).

Then went to Lisa's, and we watched the TV version of Carrie. It was going for this gritty, modern, and yet somehow friendlier version that didn't really work at all (cheesy ass effects didn't help). One guy was randomly evil, and people were nicer to Carrie. Sorta boring. Also, no oral sex scene with John Travolta.

Meanwhile, Lis and I tried to lick each other's teeth and stick our toes in the other's ear. We be cool.

I just managed to pry a couple of parts up on the old Sony Car Ready Walkman, thus ensuring its survival for another couple of weeks. What little engineering talent I have was used right there...

I won't be soothed,