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10/31/2002 - 1:01 a.m. | happy halloween!

Last night, I was fishing around in the closet for something at around 3 or 4 (who knows?), and I thought of something really funny to write about for Halloween - or at least I thought so at the time. Now, though, I can't remember it (or anything, it seems... this is why I have nothing to say about my day, much to Bill's approval apparently). I keep sticking my head in the closet in the hopes that it'll jog my memory (context dependent memory - learned that in psych!!). This is the best I've got:

Yeah, so... as for my day, I just sorta coasted through. Nothing really required any higher mental processes. Took a nap which bumped total sleep time to like 2.5... More Marxism... it's mostly a blur.

I guess I should've gone to see They Might Be Giants last night, if only for the opening act. I had read about them on Pitchfork, but I hadn't realized they'd be opening again. Scott was trying to be all quirky and cool about them... haha - shutdown!

I didn't say like 2 words at work today... Then again, neither did Jim. We're creepy!

I'm in the process of making robot legs, but I'm really sleepy and everyone else is in bad (weird!), so I guess there's no reason to linger...........

Wait - yes, there is! Well, mostly I just sit around and watch "Boy Meets World" (shitty shitty shitty), but tonight The Shining was on, so I watched the creepiest scene ever... Most people hardly register it, but it's so random and terrifying and makes no sense if you haven't read the book. Ugly Lady is running through the hotel trying to escape from Jack Nicholson, and there are all these ghosts and blood elevators and junk, and she happens to peek into this one room and see this bit fat guy in a creepy dog costume on his knees in front of this older rich guy about to give him head or something and they're both staring at her and OMFG!! That's the randomest, scariest thing ever! I shudder just thinking about it. I read the book after I saw the movie, so it had some explanation (which I forget), but it's still absolutely horrifying! Ugh - nightmares tonight!

I won't be soothed,