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10/31/2002 - 11:56 a.m. | last night i had the strangest dream...

Holy crap, sleep is good. To not feel that terrible weight bearing down on me, to be able to understand and remember things at least semi-clearly...

Poor Kyle - he called me this morning from class... Apparently, he's like the only person in costume on campus! It remains to be seen if I would've worn the robot suit had I had class today. Taking notes would have been impossible. Hell, sitting would have been impossible (at least I could have fallen asleep without being noticed). It would be pretty fun to trounce around campus as a big stupid robot, though. And not just on Halloween... EVERY Thursday!! I would like to finish the legs, though, which requires more time and supplies, and I really need to study for astronomy and get some sleep tonight.

I won't be soothed,