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10/28/2002 - 9:56 a.m. | come for the grand ulena, stay for the wilco

When we last left our hero, he was in the process of starting on homework...

Well, we all know that was a bust. After Lisa woke up, she and I (we) went to Za's for lunch. She's right; it is very greasy. And I have a love/hate relationship with pesto. I like how it tastes at first, but it gives you icky breath and you keep burping it, and the smell just about makes me wanna puke later on in the day... Otherwise, good lunch!

Came back here and worked up the energy to shower ('cause it's such an exhaustive effort) and then went over to Lis' to work on homework until the concert. Unfortunately, someone broke the internet, and I pretty much needed it to do everything, so a good hour or so went down the tubes as I tried it there, walked back here, tried it here (failed), walked back there. Lisa had been trying to convince me for a while to get ice cream, though, and when I finally caved, as soon as I finished, everything started working again. So, in case you were wondering, Lisa Yung fixed the internet on Octboer 27.

Went to Wilco around 7:15. Our seats weren't terrible, but it would've been nice to have been closer. Well, except for the opening act. They were called Grand Ulena. They were loud, unorganized, LOUD, obnoxious, repetitive, and long-winded. There was no singer - it was one of those bands where the bass and guitar exist only to show how badass the drums are (Spritz would've loved them). I pretty much couldn't stand listening to them anymore, so I did the only thing possible: I bought a t-shirt. Zing! Ask to see my impression! :D

Wilco themselves were pretty good. Since I'm a newbie, I only really knew the "Yankee Hotel Foxtrot" stuff, but they were still really good. 2 long ass encores! I didn't know Wilco was big head banging music, but one guy proved me wrong! Actually, pretty much any dancing in general is hilarious (my own included, obviously) Still, the concert was fun, but then I was really sleepy when we got back to Lis', and I accidentally slept for a couple hours there... Oops. Then I came back here to study for a psych quiz (which I think I got a 100 on) and crashed soon after. I can pay attention in psych, but JLit is so difficult when you're sleepy! Anyway, shower time approaches...

I won't be soothed,