annals | guests | diaryland

10/24/2002 - 11:56 p.m. | i'm dumb, she's a lesbium

Well, transfered from paper (er - bitmap) to reality, the Dubya pumpkin is complete. Will is a considerably better carver than I, so I drew and he cut. It's actually fairly accurate - and (this is good news) I might be able to put up a picture of it up here. See, Will is gonna buy me the little tiny digital camera I wanted as payment for making the Stick-it website... Hehe - it's gonna rock, even if the camera is shit!

After this, I met Lis at Green St. Coffeehouse. I looked at my astronomy homework, but that's shit, so I read instead. I also got a big Rice Krispies treat with M&Ms in it. It was pretty awful, but I'm hungry now so I'm gonna finish it. After a while there, we walked to Walgreens so I could get a candle - green apple flavored (I just put it in! Holy shit, Dubya looks good!) and then we hung out in her room together for a while. She went to ate dinner, and I killed time before work.

"I'm dumb, she's a lesbian / I thought I had found the one / we were good as married in my mind / but married in my mind's no good / pink triangle on her sleeve / let me know the truth / let me know the truth"

Not my favorite Weezer song (the rhyme at the start is wretched), but jeez - what a scary concept! Poor Ross from Friends...

Anyway, after that I was off to CRCE for work. This time I was rendered even more useless. There are 2 other guys working there already - Ryan and Drew - so I'm completely unnecessary. It rocks :) Still, the guys are both nice. They mess around constantly, though. As soon as they came in, they hooked up a mic to the PA system and proclaimed it to be karaoke night. And they prank called me (asking where their 10 year old son was) and talked to girls and changed the screen saver to "new guy nate" and sang and yelled things over the PA and listened to Amy Grant and high fived me for being such an enforcer (I kicked 2 people out :D I was going after a third but it was this big black guy that works there and was playing a trick on me "BACK OFF!!!" Fucking shit my pants!). I dunno - it was pretty fun, and they were nice. It's weird how extraneous they made me, though.

Bash made a monster shit and broke the terlet. Therefore, I just peed in the shower... I feel so dirty!!

"WIN A ONE-CARAT RAND DIAMOND FROM TONI BRAXTON!" An AIM ad screamed this at me, so I just had to enter... I'm only freaking human! Diamond + Toni Braxton = Irresistable!

I won't be soothed,