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10/24/2002 - 2:16 p.m. | *cool string part*

I can't stress to you how easy work was last night. I sat in shitty Kenney Gym, and I handed out towels occasionally. The rest of the time I spaced off and read. It's like I'm getting paid to sit around and do homework. I'm going to CRCE (WIMPE) tonight, and I think it's somewhat busier (possibly because it's not such a shithole), so I hope it'll be just as good. It's funny, though. There's actually another guy working there at Kenney. This is a job that one person could easily handle, and it's divided among two. That rocks!

I went to watch Memento for my psych class, but Allen's rec. room was filled with lots and lots of smelly B.O. kids. Also Beans from "Even Stevens." He was being all kissy with some dude next to me. >:o Anyway, Lis and I eventually went to her room to watch it on her computer, but in her infinite LisaLogic� she only brought up big ass headphones, so I had to watch alone. That sorta sucked... She has a sore throat, though, so her voice is all sessy. Or gooselike. There was also a fire drill, so all of Allen was vomitted out onto the parking lot. The end.

Damn you, Parappa - you and your "COOL" rating have broken me... I think I'm gonna give up for a while. I really wanted to do something - anything - last night, but no one was in the mood, so I got hosed.

I slept 'til 11:30 today - hoho (STOP BEING BORING! Sorry)

"Quite being pushed around and stand on me feet / And kick all these losers outta my street"

I guess we're gonna have to start looking for apartments soon... I dunno - I really hope we can get individual rooms this time around. I mean, part of me would sorta like my own apartment... Nothing against any of the quad, of course. It'd just be nice to be loud (or quiet) when I wanted to. Also, cleaning for one would be good (although they have gotten better :D) But an apartment alone would be 'spensy, plus I'd have to pay for utilities and food alone. Not too much all the stuff we're sharing right now. I dunno - part of me is just Mr. Recluse. BESOS

I won't be soothed,