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10/23/2002 - 2:57 p.m. | boooo-hoooo-TEE boooo-hoooo-TEE

I woke up this morning, and my first word was "GLEH." I did not want to be up.

I stayed up last night in the hopes that someone would take us out to get pumpkins. And I guess they did eventually get some (around 2ish), albeit not through legal means. >:o I played Parappa until I felt better, though. If anyone can explain to me how to consistently get a "COOL" rating, I'll be your best friend.

Anyway, class was hell until I took a 2 hour nap. Then I was peachy keen. We got out of Astronomy early today because Big Oaf TA was in charge (poor guy - so awkward), then I studied some more for Sociology test. That turned out to be unnecessary, however, because it was the EASIEST TEST EVER! I mean, I normally get A's, but there are usually some questions I am unsure about or something... This one I just flew through. Yay for SOC 100! Everyone take this class if you can! It's interesting and really easy to get an A!

Anyway, I've got a little time before I go to work... My first time at a non-IMPE place, so I have idea what I'm doing... Hehe - plead ignorance, I guess. I'm pretty sure it'll be "swipe card, space off, repeat," but I do have to wear GD khakis, and all I have is the $10 women's pair I got at the Salvation Army in LaSalle. Hehehe! Hope they'll allow cords, although I'm heard Doug Boyer is a jerk like that :O (Oops! Social gaffe!)

I saw Marlon Brando twice today. Well, I saw a big fat guy (HUGE) in a trenchcoat and sandals with grey hair and a flock of followers, so I assume it was him. I didn't want to actually look at this face because it'd kill the dream, and I hate killing the dream.

Everyone seems to be enjoy "Dance, Too Much Booty in the Pants," but credit must be given where it is due. Lisa first sent me this song (incomplete) at the end of junior year... along with like 10 others about booties. I also recommend R. Kelly's "Feelin' On Yo Booty" but only the last 45 seconds or so...

I won't be soothed,