annals | guests | diaryland

10/25/2002 - 7:09 p.m. | wahhh wahhhh wahhhh

And now, the rest of the day...

So, hung around here. Happy Nice Old Man With Faint Mysterious Accent came and fixed the terlet and changed the lightbulbs, so now it's like surface-of-the-sun bright in there (Wanna know how bright that is?! 3.85 X 10^26 watts! Thank you, astronomy!)

Speaking of which, it was off to that very class for a lecture about the sun from the TA who looks vaguely like Scott Wolf (Bailey from "Party of Five..." Speaking of which again, did they add something to the water there to give big boobs out?) The sun is all pimply and gross when close up so the two of us have a lot in common ;D

Afterwards, I killed a little time until Lis got out of class and then killed a lot of time with Lis while she ate (she's a very... thorough chewer - I truly hope she does live longer for it... Otherwise, the time wasted chewing will be immense!) Then we watched bad TV specials about Andy Dick and child TV stars, followed by Conan and too much other crap to list. Then, she had to go usher at "Othello" tonight, so I came back here.

As long as I'm not cleaning, I love my quad very dearly. Once I get started, however, I wanna be a recluse. Not even just a recluse. A desert island recluse. Can't dirty sand!

I have a couple hours to kill until "Iron Chef" (and it may be a rerun), so it looks like homework for me. I was very tempted to go out and get something to eat (Kyle left his keys), but that seems wrong. Plus, I haven't driven since August. And I found some chicken noodle soup with Goldfish shaped noodles. Bleh - sounds disgusting... Can't wait!

I won't be soothed,