annals | guests | diaryland

10/14/2002 - 6:16 p.m. | no ofencing

As if to prove my point, they showed Mallrats on USA today. Jay's voice was more than a little altered. "[BOY, I KARATED CHOPPED THEM WELL]"

Becky and Brytne just randomly cleaned the apartment, which was really nice of them.

When I walk to class, the street I usually take is blocked off, so I walk over the ampitheatre. I'm always sort of afraid I'm gonna interrupt something and today I sorta did. They had swords. I though about making some pun to them like, "I hope I'm not of-FENCE-ing by cutting across like this," but it's not grammatically correct and they had swords. Kyle and Spritz think I smoke pot because I own a lighter. I did nothing to dissuade them - especially when I dug through the closet to get Chex Mix. Fucking Chex Mix. I honestly don't like it, but I do. Much the same as with Doritos.

I won't be soothed,