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10/14/2002 - 10:46 p.m. | new template and other things i should control

So, I made this sucky new template. As soon as I catch up on a couple things, I'll get to work on making it less ass. As for the title, I dunno - for some reason I got the hi-larious idea that the little center frame should shrink and shrink and shrink, and you (the reader) would go mad. Of course I have no idea how to do that.

The psych midterm went about as I expected. I smell a low A. For some reason, though, I was kinda disappointed that they didn't do the test wanted: Write a letter to Psychology. It would've been so great. All our practice would be on multiple choice questions, and then they'd just hand out sheets of paper and say, "Write a letter to psychology." And everyone would flip out and act retarded because that's generally what people do (just listen to 'em try and fill out scantron sheets), but I'd have fun...

"Dear Psychology,

How are you? The reticular formations has to do with arousal, I think. My favorite vegetable is the artichoke. Sigmund Freud is supposed to be your dad, but I wonder who your mom is... I bet she's a slut! Haha, just kidding! Anyway, have a great summer!



And I'd get an A. Everyone would get an A as long as they did something. Some people would be dumb and not do anything, and they'd fail. And I'd laugh and say something horrid like, "Think outside the box next time!"

I enjoy thinking outside the box. I'm pretty sure I should be in charge of everything. I'd splice random brief scenes from the movie Predator into pretty much everything. People would fall down the stairs at the exact hilarious moment when they should. Anytime someone said something stupid, their face would start to melt. Everyone would freak out! It'd be awesome!

In my sociology class, we learned about ethnomethodology, in which you start performing societal experiments in public. Like, there's one guy peeing in an entirely empty bathroom and you come in and go to the urinal right next to his and see what he does. I wanna be an ethnomethodologist when I grow up.

I won't be soothed,