annals | guests | diaryland

06/20/2005 - 11:30 a.m. | butt events

Here's a fun idea! Not that my life is so terribly interesting or anything, but I thought it might be neat to keep an ongoing list of mildly important stuff coming up in the future. For me. And then, if you were to use this list to stalk and eventually murder me, that would make for some good reading as well. "Guest entry from Kyle: OMFG Nate wuz murdered. Sry."

September 22 - MAKE BELIEVE in concert
The worst band I have ever seen back in town? You'd better believe I'll be there AHAHAH

September 23ish - The wedding of someone in Shelly's extended family
We're take the third wheel concept to whole new scary levels.

October 28 - Rhett Miller @ Abbey Pub in Chicago
My first 21+ show. I feel so grown.

That's all for now, buttlicks. Butt events.

I won't be soothed,