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10/18/2005 - 5:23 p.m. | KATRINA CALL OUT

A random girl from some DeVry knock-off in Harlem added Smacko as her friend on facebook. He has no idea who she is, but on the plus side, this was on her wall:


1.When you look famous and a gay dude has fucked you in the butt!!!!

2. When anybody and everybody knows your "pussy" smells like trash!!!!

3. When you tryin to be HARD and it comes off as GAY and PEST like!!!!!

4.When i dap everybody in your crew except YOU!!!!!!!!!

5.When you bout to get that ass beat by a bunch of girls!!!!!

6.When you wear hats and to pretend to be somebody else!!!!~LOL

7. When you come around and everybody says damn here comes your boi @#$% lol

8.When u think u da shit an your pussy smell like shit lol

9. FUCK a tick tack u need MAGIC Bitch!!! lol

10. When u were girl shit claiming u da shit,naw boy but reality u realy bitch lol

11.We thought u was a quite girl but u fucked three niggaz since u been her.lol

12.When u think u thick but u realy a stick lol.


14.When pepole discover u fuck wit gay guyies on FaceBook don't cry be a Man about it lol

15. You call a group niggaz pretty you know good as well your ass is HOMO!!!

16. When hang wit duckz to stand out dont think u are a cuttie bitch your a duck too lol

17.When u always on a girl an she like dame get off me.

18. When the JWUoo gays come around for a meeting u stay and everybody else leave damn nigga what are u lol

19.When u look online for a book to B a thug u aint gangta lol

20.When you got everybody number in your phone an they dont wont to talk to u damn nigga stop calling lol

21. Light Body niggaz stop tryin to be a"THUG" bitch you weak lol

22.When u KNOCK ON GIRLZ ROOM DOORZ an they dont answer go ahead an go back to your room your lame lol

23.When u lie about fucking a bitch knowing u aint fuckin shit, 10 times outta 9 your dick is small lol

24. When u lame and you lay in a girl bed it do not mean u fuck wit that Bitch it just mean she feel sorry for you lol

25.When you throw your hood up and it take more than 15 mins. your not BANGIN BITCH, you doin sign language!!!!!!!

If any of these sound like you then you know that you have just been hit by the CALL OUT KATRINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't explain much of it, but a "dap" is the knocking of fists together as a greeting, or form of respect. Hope that helps. Anyway, the point is that Katrina Call Outs (whatever they are - I assume they are something like a hurricane... for your soul!!) are the new hottest catchphrase, I've decided. I will be producing t-shirts ASAP. You let me know if you need one, or else you might get Katrina Called Out yo'self, lol!

I won't be soothed,