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09/28/2005 - 2:20 a.m. | he would seem less skeletal.

Recently we watched Jurassic Park. I feel like we were drunk when I did this.

Hmm. Strange slip there. Strike that and reverse it. I felt like I was drunk when we did this. Not that the movie made me drunk-feeling so much as I think I was drinking when I hallucinated this movie-watching experience.

Patrick Stewart a.k.a. Picard and Brent Spiner a.k.a Data are best friends IRL. The latter was the former's best man at the former's most recent wedding. Obviously, Picard would get married a lot. He does not like showing affection, but he is noble. He would also shout orders often.

Recently saw the best "Star TreK: TNG" episode ever. Q was there, and Picard was not taking any of his antics. The captain said to Riker (in a voice of incredulousness), "Why, he's nothing but a flim-flam man!" Also, Q loves costumes, but Picard could not believe Q's choice this time around! "A marshal of France? Ridiculous!" It was a Golden Grahams day, baby. Patrick Stewart is the poor man's Shakespearean actor, and I love him so God damn much.

At the Friday meeting with my old psych TA re: depression project he made numerous allusions to his would-be sweetheart in Utah or some shit. Clearly, there is some backstory here, and I want in. I would like nothing more to get this quiet fellow drunk and sobbing about his unrequited love. Because that's the kind of guy I am. Plus, I would fear him less overall if he and I had a few beverages together. Is it weird to ask him out then?

I won't be soothed,