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08/10/2005 - 12:23 p.m. | gifted

You've got to play to your strong suits. I am not good with girls, for instance, but unfortunately I have a strange knack for the seductive e-mail. Not seductive in the classic sense, but I am all wordy and breathless and kind still at that point and pithy or some shit, and somehow it works wonders. It's gotten me two girlfriends thus far, both of whom were far prettier than I deserve. We've started on a new project, Julie from the set of the movie, and, well, here is an excerpt from her last e-mail. You tell me how you think it's going:

I absolutely love your email. It made my day man.

I can't write now.....practicing a scene. But i am going to give you a ring some time this week.

be ready.


Can't you just hear the lust in that? OK then, it's probably just me, but still. Thank you, Jesus, for what limited gifts thou hast given me. Oh - and the lack of a soul so that I continue to use them.

I won't be soothed,