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12/15/2004 - 2:12 a.m. | i will cut off your breasts

Seeing as the second half of this week is going to be a test-ridden hell, I decided to make the first half as painless as possible. What, Nate, by not studying? No, friend, even not studying takes up some sort of energy. One has to do something else, however pointless, to not study. No no, I am not not studying. I sit in the dark in a daze with Spritz's space heater blowing in my face, sort of half absorbing whichever sitcom I have set on repeat. How lazy was I? Almost too lazy to go out for fast food because it would be "too much work." Luckily, I think I've read, watched, and played everything I have immediate interest in, so hopefully the next few days of study/test/study will go by uninterrupted. My only opportunity for respite will be writing either diary entries or the zombie thing (Yeah, I was serious about it, apparently).

Only Shelly and Kyle were able to drag me out of bed - momentarily - with the promise of free food and a new karaoke system at an unoccupied Kyle's parents'. It is filled with Filipino craziness but holds enough songs to keep us amused. "Down Under" by Men at Work, for instance. Bread's "Everything I Own." OK, mostly those keep me interested. Unfortunately, my talent appears to lie more in rap than anywhere else. Kyle, of course, has his Creed/Pearl Jam impression to fall back on: "mattan mattan puebe," etc. And Shelly's talent appears to lie in stunning small animals with her Roberta Flack renditions. Christ Almighty. Praise be.

I suppose I should get to bed, for it will be a busy day tomorrow. Clearly, half of it will have to be spent getting the crud off my body after several days of not showing. Incidentally, if you are so desperately looking for something (cheap!) for me as a Christmas present, might I suggest a homemade felt hat with little cat ears on it? Preferably a warm one, because it is cold as balls out lately (Did you know that there is an origin for that phrase? I cannot explain to you what it is, though, because it is lewd, and I know how much you hate that stuff). But yes - ear hat. I know, I know - I'm a furry. Yiff, scritch, whatever. I just think hats with ears are adorable, and it's not like I have the respect of the little kids I cross the guard for anyway. Here is a diagram:

I am not dead set on the main hat color - you could go nuts with that. But I want my black and red ears. Fag.

I won't be soothed,