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05/22/2004 - 1:15 a.m. | another brief summary

I have too many jobs.

I take all suggestions 3/5 seriously. Ask around.

I had a dream in which 2 good things happened: 1) They released a bunch of 5 minute Ernest shorts on DVD, even if they did only have one per, which seemed a little unreasonable. 2) I hooked up with Christina Aguilera in a bar. She shaved her head to look like Sinead O'Connor.

I made the worst joke today. I had to enter in some number or something, and they were like, "It's 1920" and I said, "Dude, I totally thought it was 2004." Lame lame lame. I swear, I feel like I'm losing touch. With what? Dunno. Reality? Myself? Something. Life has just gotten weird.

I work with the first Indian girl I've ever been remotely attracted to. And it's not even attraction - I just get this weird feeling of familiarity from her. I know I've seen her around somewhere; as soon as I place it, I can go back to not caring.

I won't be soothed,