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02/18/2004 - 3:04 a.m. | a state of apprehension without cause

Luh-luh-luh-luh-lah... Luh-luh-luh-luh!

There is this Proclaimers song I have stuck in my head, and it just lists cities in Scotland over and over:

"Lochaber no more
Sutherland no more
Lewis no more
Skye no more"

And now, I can't seem to do anything besides run it through my head over and over. I try to sleep: "Pillow no more / Alarm clock no more / Early rising no more." I try to watch TV: "Raven no more / Paris Hilton no more." It's getting to be something of a bother, but I figure by this point, I have passed degrees of being tired, so I will be some sort of miserable wreck tomorrow no matter what I do, so I might as well stick it out a little longer. No more.

Kyle got me hooked on a new game today. All you do is go to the Google image search and type in a letter with a few numbers after it. Swear to God, you will find the craziest shit. I meant to shower, I meant to pee, I meant to do a lot of things. Instead, I just sorted through pictures of ugly people doing weird things and put them into little folders. Hmmm - which reminds me... I wanted to learn about silk screening. TIME EXTENDED!!

All right, after a bit of research, I have learned that silk screening is the hardest, most expensive thing ever. We shall have to develop a poor man's way of doing it, but that requires transportation, which is not all that easy. Hmmm... Why was I not given limitless resources?

Today in AbPsych, we (that is, the TA) talked about generalized anxiety disorder. I'm very glad I decided to work on some self-improvement before I started this class, or otherwise I would so totally think I had this disorder. But then I'd think I was just being paranoid. Even though I wasn't, I did. But yes, I had like every symptom. And how long was I living in denial? Well, of course, there is the off-chance that I am stil living in denial (the girl thing and all), but at least we're a little closer to free.

The reason I mentioned silk screening is that after I did my crossing guardness (and attempted to fix my bike, which I am not entirely sure worked), I went to the mall with Spritz. I even gave looking for clothes a shot, but there's nothing I want. So, I was thinking it would be cool (and possibly cheaper - WRONG!) just to make my own stuff. But apparently I am not a cool fashion designer like Paul Frank, so I bought a Proclaimers CD instead. I know, shut up about them. And "no wonder you're poor!" Well, I honestly had not expected to find this particular CD, as it is not supposed to be here in the States at all, so one must jump on it.

The rest of the night was pretty unspectacular. I read, rushed over to Dank's during a commericial to watch "American Idol" and "Scrubs," and attempted to play a game with Jared and Will. See, it's actually a very good idea. It's a Gamecube game, but each player can have their own Gameboy hooked up to it and they can supposedly interact and great fun and all that, but something went wrong. It was probably that we were a hilariously inept team, but I blame Nintendo. Reduce my attention span to three second time frames, will you? See how you like... this!

Came back, read, played a game, tried to sleep, failed, failed, failed, failed. Insomnia is one crazy creature. I downloaded one of my free Pepsi songs today. Guess what? iTunes sucks BALLS. For some strange reason, they don't want you downloading the highly-transferable, not-so-easily traceable mp3 anymore, so my little Ben Folds song is in some m4p form that no program seemingly comprehends. One more to go then! Might as well just give me a rock. "I can't listen to this; it's a rock!" "Nooo, man... You can listen! You just have to use the iRock tumbler to make it accesable." It's a racket, I swear.

Bill and I had this plan a while back to make some sort of record of all the mutants who tried to match with him on the hotornot "Meet Me" thing. This sort of fell through or we forgot or something, and since I apparently need more ego stroking, I signed myself up. Hilarity to come, I'm sure. "Goth chick no more / Fatty no more / Beerslut no more / Guy no more!" It wouldn't end.

I won't be soothed,