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01/27/2004 - 4:07 a.m. | what's the hardest thing about learning to rollerblade? telling your parents you're gay.

My first two classes today were pretty standard, by which I mean I don't really remember too much about them. More neurons in BaM, so much so that I feel like a frickin' expert. And man - nothing stuck at all about Phonetics. Sinister Harve was like an insane Dr. Seuss today: "Sat, rat, cat, fat, flat, pat, bat, hat, chat!" And of course, he once again tried to explain the significant difference between "stop and stop." I have a feeling a lot of people aren't getting it, but I find it interesting a little, and learning how we form sounds might help me with my ventriloqiusm act. Did I mention I have one of those?

I swear I am just a little tiny bit dyslexic, especially when it comes to room numbers. I always switch the last two digits around, so that I pass by room 258 ten times in my search for room 285. We had lab for the first time today. I sort of thought it might be like the lab I took in entomology (read: bullshit), but I guess some departments actually have "expectations." It looks as though there will be a lot of work, but it's also pretty cool stuff, too, so I'm not too worried. The TA teaching the class went a little overboard on lecturing today, and guess what I learned about? NEURONS! Actually, I have a feeling that the lab and BaM will be doubling up a lot, meaning I am going to be very pissy a lot of the time. What else is new? We ended class by start dissection on sheep brains. In situations like those, I find it very difficult to not make little jokes the whole way through. The good news (I'm trying to be optimistic!) is that we will be doing experiments on live rats, so I will pretty much have to get over my fear. Or have a nervous breakdown.

Man, I had a lousy dream last night.

By the time I got home from class, it was already almost five. I tried to play UO for a while, but my mind just can't stay focused on these things, so instead I made some chocolate milk. Thing was, it tasted really funny. I smelled the milk, and it seemed pretty cool, but the syrup is some crazy Aldi shit. Apparently they can wrong. Tastes like a barrelfull of chemicals - and brown. I think Yousaf thinks I'm making up problems with my computer for attention, but whenever I opened UO, the colors on the screen would mess up, and the way he told me to adjust them just made things worse. I tried to explain the problem by taking some screenshots, but they looked normal, so I suppose the secret dies with me.

I was sort of sleepy (wonder why), so I took a nap for a couple hours, missing both treasure hunting and Late Nite. Suck. Honestly, am I that huge of a demon beast when I wake up? I mean, there are times, but I bounce back pretty fast, and it's still prolly no annoyed than I usually purport to be. Not up for anything serious, I played some music and finished up the bottle of wine that appeared from nowhere. No matter how my standards have changed, I still think that the Dave Matthews Band's unreleased album is their best by far. I don't care if he was a drunkard when he wrote all the stuff; it's so much more interesting and unclear. Pisses me off.

I was sort of planning on going to bed early, but luckily Dank decided that he had some reading to avoid, so I rode over to watch GaS with him and make crude comments. And the occasional break to eat cheese sticks and look up nude pictures of Summer Sanders. There was nothing super sensational tonight, except for Phil Moore saying "ROBOT VISION" far more times than is healthy for a grown man. Therefore, new catchphrase.

According to sitetracker, someone using AOL in the Eastern Time Zone visited the Stick-It page based upon a search for "Nate Walsh" and "IMSA." Oh, Dale. You could've just asked.

I won't be soothed,