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01/26/2004 - 12:59 p.m. | i'm just gonna have to learn to hesitate

So, seeing how I've got this awkward little break in between phonetics and the ill-fated psych lab, I figured I'd go to the Union and prevent someone who might actually need a computer from doing so. Good for you, boy.

Yesterday was a triumph in lethargy. I woke up later than I would ever care to mention and then spent most of the day waiting for the UO server to come back online. No homework to do, really, and just this empty sort of spot that Joseph Fagboat isn't at least practicing his tambourine, so Spritz and I sat around in our jammies and just sort of waited. We'd occasionally try to do something occasionally to ease the tension, but we'd soon enough move back to our computers to check on status. In desperation, I even decided to watch the new Disney Channel show "Dave the Barbarian." I had been almost positive that I was never going to watch, let alone enjoy this substandard program, but I guess I forgot how truly low my standards are. Anyway, the writing is much better than I thought (There's this horse that looks like My Little Pony but talks like Christopher Walken), and if The New York Times doesn't like the artwork, fuck The New York Times. Incidentally, I looked up the cast on IMDB (obviously), and besides the one normal voice guy, the other actors are James Hetfield and Lars Ulrich from Metallica and Melissa and Joan Rivers. One can only imagine what twist of fate brought those people together.

I watched Bruce Almighty again; not because I particularly enjoyed it., just because it was there. Spritz and I drove through the tundra (It snowed evidently?) to get Jimmy John's, followed by Gummi Lunch for me. I can't honestly gummi recommend it. Except perhaps Gummi Cola Party, but I think that may be based off of the name. Seriously lacking the mind to come up with something to do, I rode my bike (a very dangerous proposition - you should see my tire tracks; they weave a hilarious tale) to Dank's to notarize something for Zouie. That's right, folks! My first duty as a notary public! Aren't you pleased for me! Before I left, I talked to Kay (a strange prospect in and of itself), and I think I might just return all of my books because most are turning up useless; we are the same double major (theoretically - it all comes back to me being admitted).

Finally, finally, the server came back up, and I could be fully useless again. Everybody went on this big stupid adventure, and I have no idea why I was invited, unless they wanted to hear the same MIDI of a tambourine over and over. Spritz gave me 1000 gold to make him some ramen, opening the door to a sick new way to get things done around here. Slept around 4, I guess, and now I almost do have to go, so yippie, it worked.

I won't be soothed,